The long-awaited update! Horticulture, economy, design improvements and more.
Hello everyone, ReFactory team’s online!
Welcome a small, but important update of ReFactory. We’ve implemented the long-awaited ideas of creating megafactories! Of course, those ideas are yours :)
There are new features in this version:
- Changing the area of work of industrial buildings
- Growing your own plantations of Forests and Crystals
- Cutting off the electricity supply to the cannons (and turning it on again at will!)
Sounds nice, huh? Now, for more details about changes in the ReFactory update. Let’s roll!

Irrigation and new garden plantations
Now we are not predatory consumers of the planet’s non-renewable resources, but the real lords over Forests and Crystals. “Fertilize, irrigate, get bonuses for housekeeping!” — this is the green motto of the update.
Opening the “Irrigation lvl. 2” tech grants an opportunity to become the owner of plantations of Forests and Crystals.
‘Sprinkler’ tech has been renamed to “Irrigation lvl.1” and now has 2 upgrade levels.
— The first level is a normal Sprinkler
— The second level unlocks a new resource: “Fertilizer”, which makes it possible to grow your own garden on an unknown planet.

There are 3 features regarding crystal and plant growing that are important to consider.
First, You can only place your plantation next to the source resource.

Second, There are only 80х80 cells at your disposal. Making the field infinite won’t work.

Third, Without watering, seedlings will not turn into a full-fledged Crystal or Forest plantation, rich in resources. No pain, no gain.

It’s just like life, isn’t it?
A good U-turn is what you need!
We’ve added a “Change direction” button for the production buildings. It’s not a joke, now you can set the direction of the flow of resources back and forth.

The players repeatedly asked for this idea to be implemented, and the Refractory team heard them. Well, you can’t just … mirror the building!

Now the “Change direction” button solves the problem of complicated production lines and gives more opportunities for organizing the base.
So, now you can twist ’em any way you like!
ON/OFF button for Cannons
The combat equipment of the base requires a lot of resources. And when the Cannons are idle, they continue to consume energy you might’ve planned to use for something else.
Now you can ‘pause’ their energy consumption. It’s a case of ‘A penny saved is a penny earned.’

Cargo stations limits
Now you can specify loud and clear the amount and the type of resource that should be delivered to a particular Cargo station.

New overlays
When the Sprinkler is selected, the areas of action for all the nearest ones are visible.
The same, for the Drainer.

New Puzzle
Time to use the sharpness of your mind, solving a fresh and rather difficult task.

Other fixes
- In the first mission there are now more objects with resources that can be dismantled and used for development of the base.
- Wind turbines can no longer be built at the foot of hills. To convert wind into energy, you will have to place it on a hill.
- We fixed an unfortunate mistake, where canceling the repair of a destroyed building removed it entirely. Everything’s fine now!
- The situation where resources located on the ground could be affected by an air defense shot at an approaching meteorite was completely eliminated.
- Other minor fixes.

We always appreciate feedback! We are waiting for any bugs you found in Discord